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IVF Spring > Fertility Treatments > Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI is a procedure in which a single sperm cell is directly injected into the cytoplasm of an egg. ICSI injection treatment is gaining popularity since it was founded in 1992. ICSI Treatment in Mumbai is quite well known for its effective procedure.

What is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)?

For around half of the couples struggling to get pregnant, the problem lies with male fertility. ICSI is currently the best male infertility treatment. ICSI is very similar to IVF. The difference mainly lies with the process of fertilization. In IVF, eggs and sperm are put together in a dish and fertilize ‘naturally’. However, this requires a large amount of sperm to be present.
In ICSI, the process involves injection of a single sperm that is picked up with a fine glass needle and then put into the fluid contents of the egg cell called cytoplasm. Very few sperm as compared to IVF is required and the ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg no longer holds importance. The embryo after fertilization is put into the woman’s womb.

Advantages of ICSI

Best for male factor infertility

In some cases where there is high factor male infertility, low sperm motility ICSI treatment is used in conjunction with IVF treatment to provide a boost to the fertilization.

Maximize the rate of fertilization

ICSI is used to provide a boost to the sperm in order to maximize the chances of the sperm penetrating the wall of the egg and fertilizing the egg.

Broadly used technique

It is a widely used technique. Very few sperm as compared to natural fertilization is required and the ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg no longer holds importance.

Who is recommended to have ICSI?

ICSI fertility treatment is favored when medical practitioners suspect that there is a reason why achieving fertilization due to other procedures might be difficult. Fertility treatment success rate for IVF is high when the problem is with male fertility. Male infertility factors generally include low sperm count, poor motility, poor sperm quality or when the sperm lacks the ability to penetrate the egg. Absence of sperm in the semen due to some kind of blockage can also be treated with the ICSI.
Apart from infertility in men, here other infertility problems for which ICSI is a suitable treatment:

The ICSI process:

There are various treatments available all across India but ICSI treatment in Mumbai at IVf Spring fertility center is surely one of the most treasured by couples.

Stimulation and Egg Collection.

The ovaries are stimulated to promote growth of follicles with the help of medication. After 8-12 days, an injection (trigger) helps with final maturation of egg. And after 34-36 hours, your eggs are surgically extracted from your ovaries. Egg retrieval is done under ultrasound guidance and mild sedation.

Semen Analysis - IVF Spring Fertility Centre, Mumbai

Sperm Selection.

On the day of the egg collection, a sperm sample is taken from your partner’s semen or surgically extracted from his testes or epididymis. The sperm is then analysed and processed by an embryologist in the ART lab. The motile sperm is selected for insemination.


Each and every mature egg is given a single sperm. Using a tiny hollow needle, one sperm is injected into a mature egg. Once the process is done, the egg is cultured in an incubator and checked for fertilization after 16-18 hours. The embryo is then cultured in the embryological laboratory for 3-5 days.

Embryo Culture Implantation - IVF Spring Fertility Centre, Mumbai

Embryo Transfer

The embryo is carefully evaluated in the laboratory. The finest of the embryos are selected and transferred on the preferable dates.

Post Transfer Process

You will be given some medicines to help the embryo implant. Pregnancy tests are scheduled 14 days after embryo transfer.

ICSI fertility treatment success rates.

When used with in-vitro fertilization and good egg quality, ICSI is often successful for men who have impaired sperm or no sperm in the ejaculate at all. ICSI success rates after embryo transfer is quite similar to conventional IVF. Around 70-75% of the eggs are fertilized with the ICSI procedure. But, as with all the treatment factors such as age and any other medical conditions do affect the fertilization process.

Why Spring IVF

IVF Spring Fertility Center provides ICSI treatment with great results. As it has a team of expert embryologists that carry out the process in the most advanced way with the help of the latest equipment’s. Our team has an experience of more than 20 years, and we make a constant effort to give the best in fertility treatment so that the couples can benefit with high success rate procedures.

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