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IVF Spring > FAQs about IUIs

FAQs about IUI

Understanding the IUI procedure – What Process does it Entail?

As the first step, the patient comes in for a consultation. This includes an internal scan that helps in assessing the situation. The doctor then has a 30-minute consultation with both you and your partner and devises a customized treatment plan. This will be in accordance with your medical histories. The next step will be to undergo a tubal patency test to ensure that the fallopian tubes are clear and will help fertilization.
After the start of your period, you will come in for a few scans. This is the follicular study period when the growth of the follicles is assessed. The ovulation is also tracked. At the right time, the sperm sample at hand is washed and prepared for the IUI procedure. This procedure is done by injecting the sperm into the uterus via a thin catheter at the time when the egg is released to enable fertilization.

What are the different types of IUI cycles?

There are three different types of IUI cycles that can be carried out. The type for a specific case depends on the individual diagnosis and further response to treatment that is being carried out.
This is otherwise called ‘natural cycle IUI’. This procedure is commonly opted for by same-sex couples and single women. This is meant for those cases where there is lack of sperm. This involves tracking ovulation in the female patient and at the right time, injecting the donated sperm. For the treatment, the patient has to come to the clinic two to four times when the egg development is monitored to determine the ovulation cycle.
The goal of this procedure is to enable a single egg to develop by appropriate stimulation so that fertilization is enabled. When ovulation happens, the donor sperm is placed inside the uterus. The best thing about IUI is that it helps to place the sperm closer to the egg than when natural intercourse occurs. As in the medicated cycle, the patient will be required to make four to five trips to the clinic to track the development of the egg and timing of ovulation.
If the patient has difficulty in ovulating when using oral medicines, the next step would be to try to induce ovulation using injectable medications. These work to stimulate ovaries to produce about 2-4 eggs. When IUI is performed, the chances of fertilization are increased. The sperm has more than one egg which it can fertilize. In this case, the patient has to come to the clinic between 4 and 8 times to track egg development and ovulation.

Is intercourse allowed during IUI treatment?

The patient can have protected sex during any phase of the IUI treatment. However, unprotected sex should take place only with advice from the consulting fertility specialist

Will I have to Come to the Clinic Many Times for the Purpose of Monitoring?

The number of time that you have to come to the clinic varies. On average, the patient will have to step in 2-4 times before the IUI procedure if they are not having ovulation induction medications. In such a case, they will have between 3-8 appointments and a higher number if they are advised to have injectable ovulation medications rather than only oral medications for ovulation.

When should my husband/partner produce the sperm sample?

The sperm sample of the husband/partner should be of the same day as the IUI procedure. The sample should be dropped off 1.5 hours before the procedure. The sample should be taken 2 hours before the IUI procedure. Therefore, if there is a challenge with travelling distances, the fertility clinic has a collection room for sperm collection purposes. The husband/partner can make use of a specimen cup provided by the clinic for the purpose.

For How Long should the Husband/Partner Abstain from Intercourse to Store Up Sperm?

Though the situation is different for individuals, the preferred time period is that it should not be more than 72 hours since the previous ejaculation. This ensures the best morphology and motility of the sperm. In cases of low sperm count, the ideal time is 48 hours between ejaculation and collection of sperm for IUI. For normal cases, the ideal time is 24 hours. However, according to some, the highest count is when you weight for 36 hours. It is best to have intercourse around the time the hCG injection is taken.

Can I Choose Donor Sperm from the Sperm Bank?

We do have a donor sperm bank in our fertility clinic. You can select sperm from this bank. You can also use the sperm from a known donor.

Is it Compulsory to Lie Down After IUI?

It is not compulsory that you lie down after the IUI procedure. However, you can lie down for 5 to 10 minutes in the recovery room after the procedure if you feel like doing so. You can resume normal activities after this time.

Is the IUI Procedure a Painful One?

Many women rate IUI as having the same amount of discomfort as a pap smear. The patient may experience cramping, which may be more related to ovulation than the procedure itself. The insertion of the catheter may cause only a minimum amount of discomfort because the cervix is likely to be a little open during ovulation. A wrongly timed IUI may a little more painful.

Can I Take it Easy after the IUI Procedure?

It is normal to return to regular activity after an IUI procedure. However, it is best to restrain from high impact activity of any kind. If you feel cramping, it is recommended that you do only any light activity.

When will Implantation Occur after IUI?

Implantation should occur in about 5 to 6 days after the IUI procedure.

When will I know if I am Pregnant?

You can come in for a pregnancy test approximately two weeks after the insemination.

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