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IVF Spring > Fertility Test & Techniques > Hysteroscopy


Hysteroscopy is the procedure of taking a direct view inside the cavity of the uterus by using a telescopic camera. This procedure helps in the diagnosis and treatment of several conditions such as uterine fibroids, septum, polyps, and scarring inside the cavity. The procedure can be performed by administering a local anesthesia and/or painkillers or under deep sedation.

For what conditions is a hysteroscopy performed?

Hysteroscopy helps to diagnose many problems that are related to a woman’s womb. It can also be used to treat some of the conditions. Given below are a few conditions when a gynecologist would recommend hysteroscopy procedure for the patients.
This is a common occurrence in women and is indicated by heavier or lighter bleeding than normal, longer or shorter periods, and bleeding between periods. Such signs or symptoms may be indicative of a larger health problem that has to be diagnosed and treated properly to avoid further complications. The diagnosis of such problems is best done through hysteroscopy procedure.
Polyps are small growths of tissue that occur on the lining of the womb. These may give some amount of discomfort to the patient. Fibroids are benign muscular growths occurring in the uterus. Fibroids and polyps that are not treated cause them to grow to large sizes and may cause miscarriages and infertility. Hysteroscopy is the correct procedure to diagnose these conditions early enough.
If you are a woman that has had several miscarriages or you have not been able to conceive in spite of trying for a long time, then you are a likely candidate for hysteroscopy. This procedure may be recommended to find the root cause of the problems and decide how to proceed with further treatment.
Uterine tissues tend to adhere to one another under certain conditions. Surgical procedures done on the uterus and childbirth may be some of the triggers. Hysteroscopy is a procedure that can be used to detect the presence of adhesions inside the uterus and even treat them.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that helps to place or remove contraceptives such as the IUD or the coil. The gynecologist uses a hysteroscope to locate the contraceptive if removal is difficult otherwise. Sterilization is yet another procedure that can be carried out with ease using a hysteroscope.

Hysteroscopy Procedure: Step-By-Step Guide

This procedure requires that the patient takes a day off from work in case it is to be done under deep sedation. It is also required that the person undergoing hysteroscopy should not be menstruating as this can deter the quality of the images. However, the procedure can be done on any other day of the monthly cycle.
Once the patient checks in, they will be wheeled into the theatre. After the patient has been sedated, the hysteroscope (it contains a camera) is gently passed into the uterine cavity through the vagina and cervix. Saline water is then passed through the hysteroscope. The doctor then inspects the cavity through the camera, takes pictures and notes down the findings. The doctor will then decide the necessary intervention. The physical hysteroscopy procedure lasts only for about 15 to 30 minutes. However, the hysteroscopy procedure depends on the time taken for the findings.
Once the patient recovers (in about an hour), they are sent back home. The patient may experience cramps similar to the ones experienced during menstruation during the first two days after the procedure. The results of the hysteroscopy will be given to the patient in report form and fully explained to the patient.

Benefits of Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy has many additional benefits in addition to the routine ones such being able to detect and treat fibroids, polyps, cause for infertility and miscarriages and insertion and removal of contraceptives. The recovery time is short and the procedure is reliable and safe. It is also less painful and takes little time to heal. There are only very few risks for a hysterectomy when compared with other invasive uterine procedures used to diagnose and treat these conditions.

Why Choose IVF Spring?

If you are seeking hysteroscopy procedures, IVF Spring is the best Hysteroscopy treatment center in Mumbai. It houses a team of experienced gynecologists and fertility experts. They have been known for the safe hysteroscopy procedures that they have conducted for many years now. The treatment center is equipped with the most advanced machinery, technologies, and equipment, keeping in mind the importance of a woman’s reproductive health.
Each hysteroscopy procedure is done with the aim of keeping complications during and after the procedure to a minimum. For this, the patient’s progress is observed and followed up even after they leave the treatment center. Treatment for each patient is customized for the best outcomes.

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