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Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI Treatment for pregnancy or intrauterine insemination is a medical procedure which involves directly injecting good quality sperm directly into a woman’s uterus. It is the least invasive form of fertility treatment. The IUI treatment in Mumbai is only suitable for women that already have high fertility so is not widely used. The sperm used during an IUI treatment need not necessarily be from the partner. IUI treatment can also be done with the use of donor sperm and hence single women can also avail of this treatment to conceive a child.

What is Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) Treatment For Pregnancy?

IUI treatment procedure involves injecting sperm into the woman’s uterus in order to facilitate pregnancies. It provides with the sperm a head start in term of being able to fertilize the eggs in the womb. This procedure is performed to ensure that more number of sperm reach the fallopian tube to give the patient a higher chance of the sperm fertilizing the egg.

Advantages of IUI

It is safe

No harsh medications are used in this insemination procedure and therefore the treatment is safe and not susceptible to any of the side effects. It is consequently a stress-free procedure.

It is affordable

Among the different forms of assisted conception methods, IUI is the most affordable one.

It is non-invasive

There is no invasion of any kind and, therefore, the procedure is not under sedation for the patient.

Who is IUI suitable for?

IUI is a form assisted conception method of treatment for those patients who are not able to conceive naturally. It is suitable for the following candidates:

IUI Journey

Consultation and Scan

After a scan, the qualified medical consultant will assess the patient’s current health condition and work out a procedure that is suitable and gives the best outcomes. The patient is also counselled in this regard.

Treatment prior to starting of consultation

The patient makes a visit two weeks prior to the start of the next period. She is made to meet the qualified nurse who explains the treatment plan in detail to the patient. The patient also signs the requisite consent forms.

Tracking Scans

The patient has to thereafter undergo a couple of scans that help the specialist to track the ovulation and growth of the follicles.

Sperm Preparation

When the time is ripe for the IUI procedure, the sperm is washed and specially prepared for the purpose of insemination.

Injection of Sperm

When the patient has ovulated the sperm is injected into the patient’s uterus via a catheter into the womb of the patient.

Pregnancy Test

The patient when ready comes back to the clinic for a pregnancy test and is provided with the result.

Success Rate Of IUI

The success rate of IUI is dependent on a variety of factors that are beyond the control of the doctors. Therefore the success rates of IUI are comparatively low as compared to IVF fertility treatment. You will only be selected for the IUI fertility treatment procedure if the results of your assessment from the doctor permit for pregnancy through intrauterine insemination.

Why Spring IVF

IVF Spring Fertility Center is a name to be reckoned with among the top IVF service providers of the country. We have brought unending joy to many couples that had no hopes attaining parenthood. Supported by a team of fertility specialists with experience spanning decades, we offer comprehensive solutions to address infertility issues in couples and individuals. IVF Spring Fertility Center adheres to international protocols that are followed stringently when handling eggs and sperms. It is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and uses latest techniques in assisted conception methods. All these facilities are offered at affordable costs.

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