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Treatment with Donor Sperm

Male infertility accounts for half of the cases of infertility problems in couples. Male infertility can be defined as an absence of sperm in an individual or problems in sperm motility, quality etc. In cases like these, it is always a good option to consider a donor sperm for fertility treatment. Even though it seems like a viable option, not many become comfortable with the idea of doing it at first. But, in all cases, it is crucial to know all implications of it beforehand and then make a conscious decision.

What is donated sperm?

Donated Sperm is sperm that is collected from a third party that directly knows the intended recipient or has completed all the formalities and donated the sperm directly to the clinic. In the latter case, the family gets to know the details of the donor but not the personal data of the donor. The couple gets to decide from the many unknown donors on who they want to go with.

Who is suitable for IVF using donor sperm treatment?

After some long waiting years of trying to get pregnant, Donor Sperm IVF can really be advantageous and a good method to opt for. Here are some other couples that should consider Donor Sperm for fertility treatment:
These are the most common circumstances so as to why couples opt for donor sperm, there can be some other reasons too such as personal preference etc.

How does sperm donation work?

Choosing a sperm donor

Spring IVF is an IUI and IVF Donor Sperm for Fertility Treatment in Mumbai that has their own sperm bank and also buys donor sperm from recognized donor banks. The sperm is tested for good health, genetic diseases etc. before being approved for donation.

Legal implications and donor anonymity

It has to be duly noted that once the baby is born, you are the legal parents of the child and the donor is in no way liable for the upbringing of the child.

Why IVF Spring?

Spring IVF offers Donor Sperm for Fertility Treatment in Mumbai with their own source of donors or from your choice of donor. Not only are our procedures performed with unparalleled professionalism, we also impose stringent rules before selecting our sperm donors. This would help ensure both safety and effectiveness of the process.

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