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Endometrial Receptivity Array Test (ERA)

To give birth to a baby is one of the divine things a woman is bestowed with. Unfortunately, some of the women are deprived from this aesthetic feeling. With the advancement of medical science and upgradation of technologies, there are positive chances for the couples who are facing difficulty in conceiving. One of these technologies is Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA).

What is ERA?

It is a type of genetic test that is performed that will allow the doctor to know about the right time to implant the embryo inside the uterus. After years of research, this technique has been developed that allows evaluation of endometrial receptivity from a molecular perspective. Analysis of the expression levels of 238 genes is being done through this technique.

Advantages of ERA

An ERA test is considered to be one of the most accurate tests to determine the exact time for the implantation of embryo in the uterus. It helps in attaining a clear picture of the genes that is associated with receptivity. Studies have been proved that the other methods to know the endometrial status are not so accurate and do not provide the results at a molecular perspective.

Procedure of ERA

The doctors perform a routine endometrial biopsy with the patient. Those women who are undergoing hormonal replacement therapy cycles that time is considered to be the best time for the endometrial biopsy. The tissue that is extracted from the uterus is then taken for processing. The reports are generated within 15 working days by us. Further, on the basis of these results, our doctors will continue with the transfer of embryo.
The ascertained result will help to determine whether the woman is receptive or not. If the results show that she is ready to receive then it will indicate the exact time for implantation that probably would fall on the day of the cycle when a biopsy was performed. Thereafter, the embryo will be transferred.
If the woman is determined to be non-receptive then she has to undergo the process again with the help of computational predictor that will help to assess the exact time for the implantation of embryo.

Whom is ERA Suitable for?

If you are facing a problem in conceiving, then one of the methods is to implant the embryo in the uterus. But sometimes this procedure leads to failure. This is the reason why ERA is recommended. If the endometrial thickness of the uterus is equal or more than 6 mm then it is recommended to perform the test. If the thickness does not reach 6 mm then the cycle should be canceled and a new one should be started. It has been discovered that approximately 25% of the women are detected with this problem displaced window implantation.

Why IVF Spring?

There are a number of reasons which lead to a problem in conceiving for woman. Though there are various methods of treatment of infertility, all of them do not attain success. Endometrial Receptive Array (ERA) is one of the medical techniques that ascertains the exact time at which the embryo should be transferred in the uterus. Get your ERA test done in Mumbai at our IVF Spring Fertility Centre where we promise you to provide 100% accuracy in the results with latest technologies and methods.

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Frequently Asked Questions

ERA-guided FET has higher success rates by aligning embryo transfer timing.

The ERA test evaluates endometrial receptivity to optimise embryo transfer timing.

The cost of the ERA test can vary by location and clinic. You can visit us for a consultation to understand the potential cost.

The ERA test may be beneficial for those with previous implantation failures or unexplained infertility.

Patients with recurrent implantation failures in IVF are ideal candidates for an ERA test.

In an ERA test, a biopsy of the endometrial lining is taken and analysed for receptivity.

The Endometrial Receptivity Analysis process personalises embryo transfer timing for potentially better IVF success.

The ERA procedure involves a biopsy and lab analysis to determine optimal transfer timing.

Individuals with repeated IVF failures or uncertain implantation timing can opt for ERA.

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