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Everything you need to know about the process of embryo donation

Plenty of childless couples feel frustrated by the high cost associated with in vitro fertilization. The worse thing about them is that even after spending a lot of money, there is no 100% guarantee that the process is going to successfully give birth to a healthy baby. Even those who buy human eggs run through a lot of worries associated with the process of childbirth. In such cases, the best thing to do is to opt for embryo donation. Embryo donation is a process through which frozen embryos are offered to couples who are really trying hard to have children. The frozen embryos remaining after the in vitro fertilization process undergone by a couple can be offered to another couple or person through embryo donation. Embryo freezing is necessary to make sure that the embryos remain in good health before they are offered for adoption.

There are different types of couples who can choose to go for embryo donation when they are looking for a solution to have a child. A couple can choose to opt for embryo adoption in the following cases.

  • A couple has already had several IVF failures
  • Both the man and woman are infertile
  • Either the man or the woman is infertile
  • The couple is looking to avoid passing some kind of genetic disorder or condition to the baby
  • Either one of them or both are suffering from some kind of medical condition that they do not want to pass on to the baby

The process through which a person gets an embryo from another individual is called embryo adoption.

Things to remember about the process of embryo donation

When you are looking to find an embryo donor, you should get in touch with a couple who have already gone through the process of IVF treatment and has eggs frozen for further use. Such a couple can donate your unused embryos and help you to have a child. Many embryos are actually produced during the initial IVF treatment undergone by the couple but not all of them gets used up. In such a situation, the other couple can offer their embryos to you so that you can have a child. It is also important to note that embryo donation is not some kind of adoption. The laws and various legal agreements associated with embryo donation or embryo adoption are quite different from those that are associated with normal adoption. This is due to the fact that normal adoption regulations deal with a child after birth.

Anyone looking to become an embryo donor must comply with the associated regulations. For instance, an egg donor must be between the ages of 18 to 35 years; the sperm donor has to be between the ages of 18 to 41 years. The only healthy embryo is accepted and both man and woman should be of sound physical and medical condition. Before they donate embryo, medical checkups should be performed to make sure that they are perfectly healthy for the donation process. Before you look to adopt an embryo, you should make sure that all legal requirements relating to egg donor/ sperm donor are cleared. A donor has legally no right on an embryo after donation. Donors can however be contacted according to the wish of the intended parents.

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