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IVF Side Effects: What to Expect During Treatment

Side Effects of IVF Treatments

IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) works as a ray of hope for infertile couples with no hope of conceiving naturally. The success rates of IVF increase every year, with new advancements and technology in the field, making it a preferred choice of treatment for infertile couples wanting to become parents. However, like most things, undergoing IVF comes with certain hurdles or side-effects that must be overcome, to cross the finish line successfully.

‘A lot of what is most beautiful about the world arises from struggle’

Here are some common side-effects of IVF treatments:

1. Weight Gain:

Due to an increase of hormones in the body, women may put on some weight. However, this isn’t a cause for concern, as most of the weight is merely water weight, which can be reduced naturally. Some women may also put on fat.

2. Anxiety:

Not knowing if their IVF treatment will be successful can make many people anxious. Moreover, the wait between IVF cycles and time of fertilization is an anxiety-inducing time for all couples going through the process. The IVF drug side effects can also cause anxiety for many women. Dealing with the psychological aspects of IVF may sometimes require professional assistance.

3. Migraines and Headaches:

Women going through IVF treatment experience frequent headaches and migraines during their procedure. For women who face headaches with PMSing or during their menstrual cycles, the headaches during IVF may be stronger than usual.

4. OHSS (Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome):

Some women tend to be sensitive to traditional IVF medications, which strains their ovaries and causes OHSS. Women who are at risk for OHSS are Endometriosis, PCOD, and Thyroid Patients, among others. Some symptoms of OHSS are vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath, etc. Make sure to keep a lookout for these symptoms.

IVF side effects5. Multiple Births:

Women going through IVF treatment are administered medications that stimulate their ovaries to produce multiple eggs. This can lead to multiple births at times. However, many fertility clinics have found a way around this condition.

6. Hot Flashes:

Due to the rapid changes in hormones, women face hot flashes, as their body’s defence mechanism tends to alert them to the altered hormone levels in their body. Some women also find themselves being sensitive to hot temperatures.

7. Mood Swings:

IVF treatments require various drugs and hormones to be injected in your body, which can mess with your mood, causing frequent changes in mood. IVF emotional stress makes women feel depressed and have varying episodes of happiness and sadness. This can be especially felt by women who go through their initial cycles of IVF. Although the mood changes are temporary, it is advisable to seek help or have a strong support group to help keep your emotions balanced

8. Bloating:

Bloating, though uncomfortable, is only a temporary occurrence during IVF treatments. Some women face severe bloating that adds inches to their waist, and in some cases the bloating is minimal. Some medications prescribed by the doctor can help reduce bloating and ease some off the discomfort.

9. Miscarriages:

Some patients going through IVF can have miscarriages due to some reasons. Generally, women above 35 years of age, not able to handle the emotional impact of infertility, or have some genetic disease, are some of the typical type of women to go through miscarriages with IVF.

Most of the side-effects of IVF treatments are only temporary, and fade as women have successful cycles, or undergo more IVF cycles. It is advised that women who aren’t able to handle the varying IVF emotional feelings seek some sort of support system or professional help, to reduce the mental stress they may face. After all, a healthy mind is conducive to a successful pregnancy.

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