Know The Facts to Get Pregnant

There are several widespread myths and falsehoods about infertility which could cloud the facts about to know, how to get pregnant. At IVF Spring Fertility Center, we fully encourage our participants and patients to gather as much information about infertility as they can. We also provide you with several IVF and Fertility related knowledge centers and advice. IVF Spring Mumbai Specialists, counselors as well as this website could serve as a source of valuable information about to know, how to get pregnant.

Some Fertility Facts


Infertility doesn’t discriminate

Infertility is such an abnormality that can affect males’ and females’ reproductive system due to many factors. Since infertility could affect men and women equally, it is vital to test for both males as well as female fertility during the initial diagnostic workup & consultation.


You are not alone

Infertility is not as uncommon as you may think. On an average one out of eight couples in their reproductive phase you know could be infertile. Our historic statistics suggest those who have opted for treatments to treat infertility have been successful in having a baby. Whatever your fertility problems are, IVF Spring Fertility Center assures you to do our best in trying to ensure successful pregnancy. Remember, you are never alone in your fight against infertility.


The female companion’s age is a vital indicator of future success

Since women have a fixed ovarian reserve the older they get, the lower the quality and quantity of the eggs. Pregnancies via IVF for women who are over the age of 42 are highly uncommon. Fertility drops very quickly post the age of 35. If you need help, seek help soon.


Though you’ve previously had a child, secondary infertility is possible.

Just because you have conceived a child does not mean you could escape chances of future infertility. Secondary infertility can be caused due to an advanced age, damage to Fallopian tubes or problems with male fertility. However, as compare to people having primary infertility, people suffering from secondary infertility are more reluctant to seek infertility treatment. If you are looking to have a second child and have concerns about secondary fertility get in touch with our experts today.


Knowing ‘when to seek help’ offers you the most alternatives.

Women over 40 who have been trying to conceive for over 3 months should get help immediately. Women from 35-39 should wait for 6 months of unprotected sex before seeking help while women below the age of 35 could wait for 12 months of unprotected intercourse without conceiving before they need to seek help. If a woman has had multiple miscarriages or has irregular periods, it is recommended you should see a specialist immediately regardless of how long the couple has been trying to conceive. Hence knowing ‘when to seek treatment’ is vital to and can make the difference in your chances to conceive sooner. You don’t need a referral from a doctor before you consult an IVF specialist. Most cases we receive are of self-referrals. If you know you have a problem seek help soon.


Knowing ‘where to seek medical help’ is critical.

Women, who are trying to conceive but have been unable to do so for long periods of time, usually seek medical help. In most cases, their first point of reference is their local OB/GYN who will try various treatment and counseling methods to help their patient conceive. If the first point of reference does not work, it is better to visit an infertility specialist. Infertility has a medical, emotional, and financial toll on the couples so be sure that you are visiting the best infertility center for you and your companion. Before you decide which fertility clinic you need to visit ensure you know what you are getting yourself into. Find out about the specialist, methodology of treatment, treatment volume and success rates.

What kind of emotional support do they offer? Whether emotional perspective is integrated into the practice? Are the staffs friendly & welcoming? Try to seek a recommendation from people you believe. Due to the high volume of patients, we serve at IVF Spring Fertility Center we’ve covered a large variety of cases. The data we’ve gathered provides us with insights into the best practices and procedures for treating fertility on an individual basis.


Insurance may not cover fertility treatment, but there are many inexpensive alternatives.

IVFSpring Fertility Center in Mumbai participates with more than 30 insurance companies, and 70 percent of our patients have some coverage for testing, treatment, or medications. We also offer several payment options and financial aides to our patients. Our mission at IVF Spring Fertility center is to provide affordable fertility care to all.


IVF may not be the first choice of treatment.

Not all assisted reproduction techniques have to be in-vitro fertilization. IVF is generally considered an advanced ART treatment. There are several other ART procedures that could be considered before thinking of an IVF. A lot of factors describe what treatment will best help your cause. At IVFSpring Fertility Center, we practice a stepped-care approach, always balancing your chances of success with the simplicity of the procedure.


IVF is not experimental but a recognized, reliable treatment procedure with rising success rate.

IVF is seen as a trial and error method to pregnancy. However that is not the case. Ever since 1978, medical advancements have improved the success rate of IVF treatments. A lot of data is used to get to the point of identifying what treatment will best suit to your needs. There are also several other Artificial Reproduction Techniques that have now been identified that could be used to provide you with a better chance of pregnancy.


IVF does not always mean multiple pregnancies.

With the advancement of the technology, the incidence of multiple pregnancies is drastically decreasing. At IVF Spring Fertility Center we have almost eliminated the occurrence of high-order multiple childbirths by preferring to transfer only one embryo, also popularly known as elective single embryo transfer, or eSET, whenever possible.


More of the identical treatment is not always better.

While going through any fertility treatment, it is significant to know that your possibilities of conceiving a baby are most likely to be optimized by three to six treatment cycles. If you are unable to conceive and your healthcare team failed to discover any vital data to help improve the present treatment plan, it is time to move on to the next alternative.

It is always better to make an informed decision and knowing the fertility facts helps to understand where to start your motherhood journey. If you have a doubt about infertility or choosing to how to start then you can contact our fertility specialist who will be happy to help you.

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