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Dealing with a catastrophic disease like Cancer is very arduous for the patient suffering from it as well as the family. The patient has to undergo heavy therapies and medications along with the pain. It also affects the fertility of both men and women. The cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiations and surgeries may cure the patient of the cancerous effects but it deeply affects the fertility. However, with the advancement in medical science, the problem of fertility can be treated in many ways.

What is Oncofertility?

A connection of the two fields of medical science, oncology and endocrinology, is known as Oncofertility. Basically, it forms a bridge between the effects of cancer on a person and reproduction ability of an individual.

How does cancer affect fertility?

If a patient is diagnosed with cancer, then there are a number of therapies and surgeries that are performed for its cure. However, these therapies have major side–effects and tend to hamper the fertility of the individuals. The impact of effect also depends on various factors like- type of treatment, medications prescribed, stage of cancer, and your fertility status.
In case of women, the eggs present in the ovaries are prone to get damaged and can also result in early menopause. Whereas in the case of men, the testes are affected resulting in the destruction in the production of sperm. The quantity, speed and shape of the sperm are usually affected.

Why Oncofertility Treatment?

After dealing with such a perilous disease, the battle does not get over yet. You have to deal with the after-effects such as infertility. Pregnancy after cancer treatment gets difficult, consulting a fertility expert is seriously recommended.
For best advice and accurate results, get your Oncofertility treatment done in Mumbai, at our IVF spring fertility center. Our doctors will counsel you and will tell you about the possibility of fertility after the cancer treatment and also types of Oncofertility treatments will be discussed with you.

What Oncofertility options are available?

There are numerous options available for you to get over with the problem of infertility after dealing with cancer. Some are time-taking while some show results in a short span of time. Let’s have a look at the following fertility preservation options:
If you are finding any of these symptoms, then consulting a gynecologist is seriously recommended. Get the best IVF treatment in Mumbai at IVF spring fertility center by our certified gynecologists and embryologists. They will guide and advise you according to your problem.

Causes of Pelvic Adhesions:

If you have gone through any surgery at the abdominal or vaginal area in the past, then this may cause pelvic adhesion. The factors that are responsible for this pelvic adhesive disease are as follows:

Diagnosis of Pelvic Adhesion

To diagnose a pelvic adhesion is usually difficult. However, our doctors at IVF spring suggest you undergo laparoscopy. It is a process where our doctors will insert a narrow fiber-optic tube near your navel which will allow them to view the adhesions present in the abdominal cavity if any. This surgery will show the clear picture of the pelvic cavity and the adhesions present in it so as to cure it further.

Treatment of Pelvic Adhesion

On the basis of the cause of the disease, our doctors will recommend you to undergo treatment accordingly. If the damage is minor then it can be cured by medications. Surgery is the common treatment that is often suggested. This surgery is minimally-invasive and will let you heal quickly. Sometimes IVF (In vitro Fertilisation) treatment is also recommended to cure these adhesions.

Why IVF spring?

Going through the phase of infertility is very catastrophic. Apart from being patient and calm, knowing the cause and then curing it is very important. We at IVF spring assure you to provide the best check-up facilities, treatment for pelvic adhesion and other infertility problems.

Our highly qualified specialists will guide you according to your problem and will also counsel you to help you in this traumatic phase.

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