IVF Spring > Genetics Testing Programme > Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Miscarriages can be caused by a lot of factors. These include abnormalities of the uterus, hormonal problems; maternal conditions i.e. diabetes, infections, certain drugs, trauma, and genetic disorders among many others. Approximately half of these cases of miscarriages that occur especially in the first trimester are brought about by chromosomal abnormalities. These abnormalities are usually due to increased maternal age or a certain re-arrangement in the parent’s chromosome that puts the mother at risk of a miscarriage.
Aneuploidy is the greatest risk for women over the age of 35 years old. The Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Aneuploidy screening would help a great deal to identify the disorder and enable the mother to have a healthy and successful pregnancy.

What is PGD?

This is a technique usually practiced in In-Vitro Fertilization. It is a procedure that is performed before implantation takes place (as its name suggests) in order to detect any defects in the genetics or any chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. This helps to prevent certain genetic conditions to be passed on to the unborn child.

How is PGD performed?

It is performed by both the embryologists and the Physician. One or two embryo cells are removed for screening purposes before the embryo is transferred. The cells which have been removed are then screened for genetic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities (which are passed on in a family lineage). The Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis is a very effective method when used as an identifier for lone gene disorders and chromosomal translocation. The embryos that are unaffected are selected for re-implantation. This helps parents have children who are free from their family genetic diseases.

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis Advantages.

Which people are eligible for PGD?

The following people should seek help on getting the Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis since they are at risk of having a baby with genetic disorder traits.

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis: What To Expect?

After conception has occurred, the embryos are left to develop to form the blastocyst after duration of about 5 – 6 days. A biopsy is performed on each embryo by the embryologist. The cells collected in the biopsy are analyzed in a medical lab to detect any presence of abnormalities. The blastocysts are then cryopreserved as the client waits for the results.
Finally, the embryologist defrosts the embryos that appear normal. The physician takes over and transfers the embryo to the uterus in a successive Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle.
To sum it up, the genetics and IVF treatment of IVFSpring Fertility in Mumbai is one of the high-quality fertility centers in Mumbai with the state of art facilities to perform Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis with specialized staff that knows all about IVF treatment and techniques.

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