IVF Spring > Fertility Treatments > Surrogacy


What is Surrogacy?

This is a form of fertility treatment that allows a woman (surrogate mother) to carry the pregnancy and deliver a baby for another couple. The surrogate mother may be the genetic mother (traditional surrogacy) or may not be genetically related to the child that she is carrying (gestational surrogacy). In surrogacy agreements, however, she has to give up all parental rights and give back the baby to the parents that requested the surrogacy when the baby is born.

Who is surrogacy suitable for?

Surrogacy is best suited for couples that find it difficult to conceive. Surrogacy can be suggested as an option when:
Any type of third-party reproductive method is not an easy one to suggest for childless couples. Here, the couple should be well aware of the social and legal implications of surrogacy before opting for it. It is important that the couple spends a considerable amount of thought on the matter of surrogacy (national/international) along with the consultant and a lawyer to become well aware of all the legal issues of such an arrangement.

What is Legal Status of surrogacy in India?

The legal rules of surrogacy vary widely in different parts of the world. In India, whereas commercial surrogacy (where the surrogate mother is compensated) is illegal, voluntary or altruistic surrogacy (where the surrogate mother does not want any payment but requires only a reimbursement for the expenses involved) is allowed.
At, IVF Spring Fertility Center, the best surrogacy clinic in Mumbai, India, we adhere to all laws pertaining to surrogacy in India. 

What is Surrogacy Process?

If you have decided to go on with the surrogacy treatment at IVF Spring, as the first step, you have to identify the egg donor and a willing host to act as the surrogate mother.

In the beginning, there will be many blood tests and ultrasound scans conducted to assess the health conditions of the egg donor and the surrogate mother. Prior to starting the fertility drug and the IVF/ICSI treatment regimen, the egg donor is subjected to many tests to rule out infection and to screen the genetic health.

The whole process has to be carefully synchronized and monitored for the pregnancy to be successful.

What is Success rate of surrogacy?

There are many factors that decide whether a pregnancy will be successful. Some of them are the age of the surrogate, the ability of the surrogate to conceive, the sperm quality, the age of the egg donor, etc., among others.

Why Spring Fertility?

At IVF Spring we are clear with the basics of the procedure and can methodically design a professional program that is suited to a specific couple opting for surrogacy. At IVF Spring, we take special care of both the couple and the surrogate host throughout the journey starting from conception to the end of a successful pregnancy.

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