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Worried About Recurrent Implantation Failure? Know More!

“Everything comes to you at the right moment. Be patient!”

Implantation failure – worst nightmare for the couples undergoing treatment!

You have already come a long way from the arduous journey of infertility to this stage where you may be just one step behind towards parenthood. But this is the time where you need to be the most calm and act patiently. Every one of you has the same concern of not being able to give birth to a baby. This is a serious concern amongst every woman who is undergoing IVF treatment or already has one IVF failure. But what actually an implantation failure is? Have a look.

What is Implantation Failure?

To understand how an implantation fails, let us first understand the whole procedure of how implantation takes place.

The process of implantation happens when the egg and the sperm are combined together in the laboratory for fertilisation usually during the IVF procedure. By this amalgamation, an embryo is formed. The embryo is then transferred to the uterus of the woman on the third or fifth day of the cycle. The embryo divided itself and reaches the uterus. The blastocyst then formed comes in contact with the outer lining of the uterine cavity known as the endometrium. If the endometrium receives the embryo correctly then it will make implantation happen. This will further develop into a baby. Even after undergoing three or more IVF cycles, if a woman fails to carry on a pregnancy then she is said to have an “implantation failure”.

DO NOT blame yourself!

DO NOT blame yourself!

Usually, the women end up to unnecessarily blaming themselves when the IVF cycle fails repeatedly. I remember one of my friends, who witnessed IVF cycle failure 4 times, getting in depression and cursing herself. She thought that she did not take care of herself and the “embryo” properly. “The whole process of IVF went so smoothly this time then why also it is getting fail constantly, this is only because of me; my uterus is not healthy.” This was her words on recurrent implantation failure.

Make sure that you do not blame yourself as it is not in anybody’s hand once the embryo is placed in the womb. Broadly, there are two logic behind the implantation failure. Either the embryo is not good enough, maybe because of any genetic abnormalities present in it or the endometrium is not receptive which means it is not allowing the embryo to implant.

What should you do if you are having recurrent implantation failure?

If you are facing failure in the implantation process repetitively, you should undergo the following:

  • Get your AMH level and antral follicle count tested. Check if their levels are normal or not. Check that do you have a good ovarian reserve or not. If it is not so, considering the option of donor eggs is advisable.
  • If you are not the age of 35 then you should ask your embryologist about how does your embryo looks and is it of a good quality or not. If the quality of the embryos is good then are they able to divide properly or not. You may also choose to ask a picture of the embryos from your doctor.
  • It may be a possibility that you have PCOD. If it is so then get it treated by taking certain medicines and insulin sensitizers like metformin or myoinositol.
  • If you have undergone stimulated cycle IVF process, then you may try the minimal stimulated IVF for better results. It might be a possibility that it is not suitable for you.
  • Usually the third and the fifth day are chosen to transfer the embryo. If IVF has failed by transferring the embryo into the uterus in the third day then ask your embryologist to try on the fifth day.
  • Sometimes high levels of oestrogen present in the body can lead to the damage the outer lining of the uterus. You should try the implantation process by using the frozen embryos.

Following the aforementioned solutions will solve your problem of repetitively failing in the implantation process. However, one of the factors is also to choose the best fertility clinic to avoid recurrent failures.

IVF Spring Fertility Centre, Mumbai has witnessed highest success rates of IVF in just one or two cycles with no side effects that are usually seen in patients after the treatment. We believe in patient-first approach and provide the best-suitable treatment according to their medical conditions. For further details, contact us now.

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