FAQs about Fertility Diagnosis

If you have been trying to get pregnant without any success, there is no need to rush into the alternative methods without getting tested. Fertility diagnosis will help you in reaching to the root of the problem and assist you in solving it. But, there are questions that run through your mind when you think about going through infertility test & treatment. Here are answers to the most common questions of them

When Should I Go for Fertility Diagnosis?

Once you start trying to get pregnant, you do get a little impatient to hear the good news. It is completely normal. But, you should try to conceive for a few months before seeking professional help. Here is when doctors, that specialize in infertility, would consider you eligible for the infertility diagnosis:
If you or your partner is above 40, you should first visit the clinic before trying to conceive. Also, women who have existing problems such as PCOS, recurrent miscarriages etc. should consult sooner.

What does the Fertility Diagnosis Comprise of?

The fertility diagnosis is quite different for male and female.
For a couple diagnosis test, the male partner is diagnosed before female partner. The tests are mostly done on the same day.
The male partner first produces a semen sample and he must abstain for at least 2-5 days before the appointment. The sperm analysis tests look for density, structure, morphology, and mobility.
For females, the test comprises of some fertility diagnosis questions, a scan and a consultation. The scan checks the follicles, ovaries, and womb lining with a 3D Doppler scanner. The scan assesses womb lining, blood flow to the reproductive system, cysts, fibroids etc. The doctor will note down the results and advise you accordingly.
Once the results of both male and female partner come out, a couple consultation is done.

What does the Initial Scan/Consultation Include?

For women, the initial scan/consultation checks for the following parameter:
For men, here are the parameters that are checked during infertility diagnosis. A semen analysis is done which determines three factors:

What is the Difference Between a Fertility Test and an Initial Scan/Consultation?

When you go in for an initial scan and consultation, the doctor formulates a treatment plan to deal with any fertility issues. When you go for a fertility test, the doctor just gives you some information and tips about your fertility without advising any treatment.
So, the initial scan or consultation is for the couples who have decided to get some kind of treatment or might have already had one while those who go for fertility test are the couples who want to be more about their fertility status but might not necessarily want to go for a treatment.
Both the methods include a detailed assessment of the scan. If patients who only wanted to get fertility testing want to go for a treatment, they need to go through a follow-up consultation.

What is the AMH Blood Test and Why is It Necessary?

Infertility tests & treatments consist of AMH blood test. The test measures anti-mullerian hormone, a protein hormone that is released by the ovarian cells. With the help of AMH levels, doctors are able to assess the ovarian egg reserve and hence, the fertility. AMH levels are stable throughout the cycle and can be done anytime during your cycle. You can get a separate AMH test too at our fertility diagnostic center in Mumbai.

Which Other Diagnostic Techniques are Available at Your Clinic?

Our fertility diagnostic center in Mumbai is fully equipped with top-notch equipment with a range of scanning equipment with scanning machines in 3D that have Doppler technology in them. This helps the results to have a high level of precision and with high-quality scanning, doctors can look at the blood flow and other key details such as morphology, ovarian reserve, cysts of the reproductive system. One more useful test available at our fertility diagnostic center in Mumbai can check for potential problems with a uterus so as to help in identifying the issue behind recurrent miscarriages.

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