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Fertility Wellness

There are many couples around us – both men and women – who have successfully achieved a pregnancy even after facing fertility issues with the help of fertility wellness. IVF Spring Fertility Center is one of the best fertility wellness centers in Mumbai that will guide you through these holistic approaches.

Finding a Healthy Balance:

Some of the patients at our fertility wellness center in Mumbai use complementary therapies for fertility treatment (or alternative therapies) like meditation, acupuncture and nutritional assistance. These holistic approaches are designed to tend towards the “whole patient”.
These complementary therapies for fertility treatment are not a replacement of advanced reproductive technology but rather a way to support the patient during treatment. Our practitioners are fully trained so as to devise a personalized approach to meet each patient’s needs. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle like exercising, having proper nutritional food, maintaining healthy BMI etc. can help a lot in alternative therapies. There are a number of cases where nutrition, meditation, and acupuncture for treating infertility have done wonders. These holistic approaches will revive you mentally, physically and spiritually.
Science hasn’t backed these approaches fully yet but with the amount of success we have had, there is definitely no harm in giving it a try. There are various theories that have come up to support these approaches such as the sense of being assisted, feeling self-confident or calmness etc. that makes these treatments a success. These holistic approaches can promote total well-being. IVF Spring will help and support you in case you want to try these therapies as part of your treatment.

Acupuncture for Fertility:

Infertility & Acupuncture have been related to each other for a long time. With a lot of women resorting to it for problems such as PCOS, endometriosis etc. Acupuncture has been used as traditional Chinese medicines for years. It helps in stimulating certain parts of the body by inserting thin needles into it. Acupuncture can help increase the blood flow to the reproductive organs, reduce stress and balance hormones.
During a typical treatment in acupuncture for infertility, the needles are left inside the body for about 20-30 minutes. Your body’s temperature lowers down; organ systems, heartbeat, and respiration can also slow down along with a loosening of muscle tension. Acupuncture has been proven by a number of studies to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
There are many patients who go through increased stress while undergoing infertility treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that you talk to a fertility expert about getting an acupuncture too. If you have any further doubts regarding infertility & acupuncture, get in touch with us so that our professionals can arrange a call.

Meditation during Fertility Treatment

Meditation is an approach that trains your mind to promote relaxation. There is no scientific evidence of the relation between meditating and increased fertility but it is still considered crucial to be done during the infertility treatment. Our mind is always filled with constant thoughts that can increase stress. With the help of meditation, your peace of mind that is long lost can come back. Women who are under constant stress can release prolactin, cortisol and other hormones which can create an imbalance and hamper ovulation.
One of the added benefits of meditation would be establishing control over your mind and thoughts. This is considered to be the first step in promoting pregnancy. The core point of meditation is to revamp your thought process and bring in a little positivity during your infertility treatment. Meditation will help in developing an inner and outer connection. Overcoming negativity, controlling your subconscious mind and cultivating constructive thoughts are some of the positives you can achieve through fertility meditations.
We would recommend you to include a daily mind and body practice throughout your fertility journey so as to keep stress at bay. Meditation as a part of fertility wellness will not affect your course of medications that you are taking for fertility treatment. We welcome all the couples who want to give fertility meditation a try.

Nutrition and Fertility:

There are so many advises available when it comes to perfect nutrition so as to achieve your fertility goals. Even though, it has been proven that obese couples take longer to get pregnant than those who maintain a healthy BMI. Therefore, it is important to maintain a proper body weight, exercise a little bit, cut the excess sugar and processed carbs and have more of fruits and vegetables.
There is also evidence that doctors have successfully treated some of the conditions such as PCOS, yeast overgrowth and endometriosis with nothing but some dietary modifications. Our specialized fertility wellness program will provide you guidance on nutrition for fertility. It will help you in improving your mood and energy levels while keeping you healthy. They will ensure that your nutrition plan is balanced and there are some easy tips which can help you to stick through the plan. These consultants are specialized to offer you science-based nutrition.

Know more about IVF Spring Wellness Centre

These complementary therapies for fertility treatment put special focus on the mind and body of the person and help to treat both. Each treatment offered at IVF Spring’s fertility wellness center in Mumbai increases physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
Get in touch with our experienced center practitioners today to know more.

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