Your Treatment journey with IVF Spring

Here is some information about us to help you feel more confident:

Learn about IVF Spring
We have tried our level best to provide a lot of information about our fertility centers, physicians, treatment range, and success rates through our website. In addition, we have included an FAQ section on our website to clarify some of your queries and doubts. You can visit our website to have a better understanding as to who we are and how you will benefit by choosing IVF Spring as your fertility treatment partner.

Get an analysis of your medical history done by us.
All that you have to do to get an analysis of your medical history done by us is to fill in our enquiry form with the required information and send to us. Alternatively, you can write to us at In the mail, you must indicate the basic problems being faced by you and attach your medical reports.
We will get back to you within 36 hours. Our response would include details as regards the appropriate treatment in your specific case and a quote. If the doctor who analysed your case feels that additional information is required or want to see your recent reports, the same will be communicated to you.
At this stage, we will also provide the details of the coordinator that has been assigned exclusively to you. You can contact him/her for any clarifications and chalk out your travel and treatment plan.

Talk to our IVF expert prior to making a trip
You don’t have to travel to India for a consultation. We can organize a FREE online audio/video consultation with our doctor/fertility expert. You can discuss your medical situation in detail and then plan your visit.

Finalize your visit and leave the rest to us.
On confirmation of your travel plan, we will forward the pre-treatment instructions and provide assistance for completing the formalities to ensure a hassle-free travel experience.
In case you are planning to obtain a medical visa when you travel to India, it is important that you register with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office. Registration has to be done within 14 days from the date of arrival.

Travel and stay
When it comes to visiting to India for a treatment, we will extend help for arranging visa and schedule your appointments, organize local transport, and arrange accommodation for both pre- and post-treatment stay in Mumbai as per your budget.
On your arrival, the international patient care executive who has been dealing with you will meet you at the Airport and extend all necessary assistance till you leave the country.

Help right from admission till discharge.
Once you are in IVF Spring, our international patient services executive will help you with the admission procedure, consultations, treatment, recovery, and discharge. You will be treated as per the care plan discussed and agreed upon. On successful completion of the treatment, the doctor will provide post-treatment care advice and fix follow-up appointments, if required.

Documents We will handle all documentation needs.
After you are discharged, we will provide answers to all your post-treatment queries. We will also handover all the medical reports and assist you with the discharge procedure. Finally, we will drop you back at the airport.

Follow Up Follow-up through telemedicine
Post-treatment follow up will be done through email or audio/video communication methods.