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Diet and exercise if you are planning to become a mother

Bringing a new life into this world is one of, if not the most challenging experiences for your body. The routine medical check-ups and treatments aside, what you can do to ensure that your newborn has a healthy and happy start to life and your body can withstand the after effects of pregnancy and be giving birth is to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Watch what you eat

Your diet plays a vital role in your and your baby’s health. You are what you eat, as they say. A good diet includes all the necessary nutrients, which contain the recommended amounts of salts, vitamins, and minerals. Make sure to take foods such as fish, eggs, meat, and green leafy vegetable foods that contain folic acid. It is recommended that future mothers start taking at least 400 mcg of folic acid every day to avoid congenital defects such as those of neural tube and of the spin. Consulting your doctor for the dosage suitable for you is always the best course.

Avoid Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs of any kind 

Avoid Smoking, Alcohol and DrugsSmoking is one of the most damaging things you can do to your body, even more so when you have a baby growing inside you smoking can have direct effects on the health of your baby. There are scientific studies that show smoking even before conception can create complications in the pregnancy and increases the risk of diseases for the unborn child. Similarly, consumption of alcohol during pregnancy in any amounts can affect the development of the fetus. The period of pregnancy is considered the most vulnerable for an individual to the exposure of alcohol.

Compatibility of treatments 

Conditions such as diabetes, mental illness or thyroid disorders need to be treated with care for pregnant women. If you suffer from any of these and you receive pharmacological treatments, you should inform your doctor of your pregnancy. The drugs aimed at dealing with such dysfunctions can affect your pregnancy. Your doctor will decide whether to modify or suspend your treatment. Doctors usually tell women to avoid taking medicines during pregnancy. Especially during the first three months as that’s when the baby’s organs form. Consult your doctor on which medicines you can take and which you must not if they are necessary to treat an illness.

Chemicals in Cosmetics 

Chemicals like Bisphenol A and the phthalates, present in commonly used products such as cosmetics and beauty products can damage the health of the mother and the unborn child. Mercury is also one such chemical. Be careful of pesticides as well chemical exposure can happen in many different ways. You can breathe it in, ingest it through your food or absorb it through your skin. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to reduce your exposure to most of these chemicals. Just avoid prolonged exposure to the products which might contain these chemicals and manage your diet carefully.


ExerciseRegular exercise throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy. It can improve your posture and decrease common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue. Evidence suggests that exercise during pregnancy can help prevent gestational diabetes. However, be careful not to overdo it only do what is comfortable for you. Do not try a new strenuous activity. Walking is a safe starter. 30 minutes of moderate exercise on 4-6 days of the week is recommended.

Following this advice can help you to keep you improve your fertility if you are looking for any further advice infertility you can contact one of our expert doctors who will guide you through your fertility journey.

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