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Fertility Treatments For Women With Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition affecting 3-10 % of women of reproductive age, where endometrial tissue, the tissue lining the inside of the uterus, starts growing outside the uterus and attaches itself onto other organs in the abdomen, such as the ovaries and fallopian tube. Most women with endometriosis experience high levels of pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation and sexual intercourse, and sometimes even abdominal pain during high-intensity exercises. Presently, it is unclear on what exactly causes this condition. Women with endometriosis generally have a hard time conceiving. As the condition develops, the chances of infertility rise. The endometriosis infertility statistic is alarming, with almost 20% of infertile women having endometriosis. Laparoscopic Surgery is a way to diagnose endometriosis, wherein a thin telescope with a light is inserted into the pelvis, through a tiny cut in the belly button. This helps to determine the severity of the condition and decide the mode of treatment.

Treatment of endometriosis goes hand in hand with boosting fertility in women who are not yet infertile. Laparoscopy, along with diagnosing endometriosis, can also be used to treat it. The surgery is used to burn the endometriosis lesions and get rid of them. This is also used to eliminate scar tissue, which restores the function of the ovaries to a certain extent, and increases the chances of getting pregnant. This is also helpful in reducing the pain that women with endometriosis experience. For women who still have trouble getting pregnant, IUI and IVF treatments are possible. In an IUI treatment, the partner’s sperm is artificially injected into the uterus. Additionally, some medications are taken, which stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. In case this treatment does not work, people turn to IVF, wherein the egg is fertilized in a controlled lab, and then inserted into the woman. This treatment has had great success rates in allowing women with endometriosis to get pregnant.

Endometriosis Treatment

Researchers have found a connection between endometriosis and gastrointestinal problems. A majority of women with endometriosis seem to face pelvic pain and irregular bowel movements. It has been found that a low FODMAP diet can help alleviate these symptoms. Generally used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a low FODMAP diet is an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. These are molecules that are generally found in foods that are difficult to absorb. Foods high in FODMAPS are asparagus, garlic, cow’s milk, yogurt, poultry, and seafood among others. Following a low FODMAP diet, with foods such as eggplants, cucumbers, grapes, almond milk, eggs, etc. is known to improve bowel symptoms and reduce abdominal pain by almost 50%. Following a low FODMAP diet is initiated in2 phases. During the first phase, all high FODMAP foods are banned, and regular evaluations are conducted. In the second phase, some high FODMAP foods are introduced, so as to determine which foods the body can handle. This is done for a long-term diet to be established.

It is necessary to not panic, as once endometriosis is diagnosed, it can easily be treated by the right professional. Make sure to visit a doctor and get a mode of treatment determined so that you can have a fast and safe recovery.

Dr. Anjali Deval, at IVF Spring, is one of the leading experts in fertility treatments. Log on to www.ivfspring.com and book an appointment, now.

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